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IAB & Ad Net Zero

IAB is Proud to be a Founding Supporting Partner in the Global Launch of Ad Net Zero

Ad Net Zero at IAB’s 2023 Annual Leadership Meeting

Monday, January 23, 2023

The IAB welcomed John Osborn, U.S. Director of Ad Net Zero, to discuss the state of sustainable advertising. His panel sparked conversations about how every organization can improve the work experience, attract and retain talent, and create a more responsible business that grows the bottom line.

IAB Tech Lab Announces the Launch of the Green Initiative at IAB’s 2023 Annual Leadership Meeting

Monday, January 23, 2023

IAB Tech Lab announced it is working with Ad Net Zero and Scope 3, and additional industry players to follow, to assess how to quantify and operationalize lowering carbon emissions and move the industry towards a green future.
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IAB Pledges Support for Ad Net Zero at Cannes 2022

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

IAB CEO David Cohen participated in the Ad Net Zero global initiative: “By 2030 Every Ad Will be a Green Ad,” pledging IAB’s commitment on stage at Cannes Lions to help our industry deliver on its full potential to build a more sustainable future.
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About Ad Net Zero

Ad Net Zero is an advertising association-led pan-industry platform tasked with coordinating, monitoring, reporting on, and pushing forward to reduce the carbon impact of developing, producing, and running advertising to real net zero.